Ichaa Mrithyu

CONTENTS: AYURVEDA - 3 HERBS (Tulsi, Aloe vera, Amrut balli) The Secret behind the Rishis living for 1000s of years, ASANAS, ACCUPRESSURE,
MUDRAS (exrecises for the Nerves.) PRANAYAMA (exercises for the Organs like Liver, Kidney, Pancreas atc. / for a 400 years Life Span.
These Solutions could eleminate a Pot Belly (5 Months) cured Benign Cancer (1 side over growth of Hunch Bone) in 4 Months.
Cured an old lady 83 year old of chronic Migraine (50 years) & Thyroid in 3 months.
Cured young man,22 year old of aThroat Ulcer in 2 months.
Cured a doctors eye in 2 months
Cured a lady - a victim of 5 star hospitalization - of Gout,Insomnia, Wrist injection consequences, Tiredness,Sticky Throat.
"Enter the Dragon" in yoga(DVD title) because Bruce Lee had a 6-pack in late 20s but I have a youthful one at 65 going to 100.
One school teacher who had hypertension for 4 years was cured the very first day,so she referred her sister who had a scissarian 1 year ago had to undergo another operation to save her life & she will have no kids.But she joined our yoga camp & the operation got cancelled & in mid2020 gave birth to a child.
2 guys 1 a bodybuilder with knee pain was advised an operation but he was cured avoiding operation,So he referred another friend with obesity,sugar etc his sugar,B.P, showed normal in 3 months of doing yoga in our camp.
"Satanic Purses" Book titled for Ultimate syllabus.